Maple Ong

About Me

Hello, hello! 💛 I'm Maple - you can also call me Mapes (rhymes with grapes). My pronouns are she / her. I'm currently based in NYC.

maple in ottawa

I'm on the Product Infrastructure Engineering team at Gusto. I've been having a great time - you should join us!

I previously worked on the Ruby & Rails Infrastructure team at Shopify as a Senior Developer. We worked on creating a Ruby LSP for VS Code. Previously, I've worked on TruffleRuby, a speedy Ruby implementation, and Packwerk, a Ruby gem that enforces modularity in Rails applications.

I enjoy speaking at conferences and meetups - usually about topics I'm learning or want to learn. I'm extremely curious about how things work on every level of the tech stack. More recently, I've been diving into programming language implementations and distributed systems.

I'm a proud member of WNB.rb, a Ruby community for women and non-binary folk.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, you can find me training at the local gym. I compete as an amateur natural bodybuilder in the Canadian Physique Alliance Women's Figure division. I hope to get all my friends into consistent weight training! I also enjoy running, musicals, and open world games.

I'm open to being contacted and would love to make new friends - send me an email or reach out on Twitter.